AIE-305A1 14" Tabletop Sealer - 8 mil - 5mm Width - 1000W

Automatic sealer featuring a 14" bar and a 5 mm seal. This unit is intended for repeated sealing in commercial production environments. This automatic tabletop sealer features a large 18" bar that is capable of sealing multiple bags at once. This sealer has both an automatic and manual mode. The manual mode is activated by the included foot pedal switch. The automatic mode seals the bags continuously and automatically in sync with a user-defined time interval. No foot pedal required! A demonstration of both automatic and manual modes are demonstrated in the video below.

This unit is controlled by a plug-in transistorized circuit board and electronic timers. Uniform pressure is provided by a timer controlled electromagnet pulling the sealing arm down. These popular models eliminate operator error. Once the correct control settings have been programmed, consistent seals are maintained automatically, making the last seal as perfect as the first. The sealer features three setting knobs which control the heating time, the cooling (congealing) time, and the cyclical sealing time interval for automatic sealing.

A quality impulse sealer is an essential tool in the mycology industry for sealing mushroom grow bags. This particular sealer is suitable for sealing our small, medium, large and XL sized mushroom grow bags. This foot-operated sealer produces an air and watertight seal on most plastic materials up to 8 mil. Sealable materials include, but are not limited to, polypropylene, polyethylene, polyurethane, polyvinylchloride, mylar, kel-f, pliofilm, saran, P.V.A, Tyvek, polyflex, and nylon.


  • Max. Seal Length : 14 inches
  • Max. Material Thickness: 8 mil
  • Seal Width: 5 mm
  • Watts: 1000 W
  • Weight: 45 lbs

  • $569.95

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